"Truth is what stands the test of experience." - Einstein
At first glance… Everything appears to be real. But is it? For example – What if the color that I see as “red” is actually “blue” to you? When you look in the mirror, do you ask yourself, “Why am I ‘me’?” Have you ever wondered why you were well off, or could seem to get everything you need, but looked at a friend and see that they can’t quite achieve their goals, dreams or aspirations? Why is it so much harder for a person to come from nothing and achieve greatness? Why is “why” even a question? What makes us more intelligent than other life forms on this planet? Why do we seem to seek out conquest, war, and look to overthrow? Why do we impale ourselves with the harsh life-shattering stick of the world as we know it? Why are “we” (humankind) continuing down a path toward inevitable destruction? Is it because “we” seek to destroy? Is it because we can think of nothing else to do with our time? Is it because we cannot control some innate presupposed condition that lingers deep within the heat of our souls that is telling us that one of us is far superior than another? Where do thoughts come from? How can we change them? Do we even want to? Is the world really falling apart at the seams? Are we headed for inevitable extinction, and self-annihilation? What if… There was no “what if?” These are the questions I will attempt to answer throughout this article, along with the possible solutions to each dilemma. Take the journey with me – put on your thinking cap, get stoned, go drink a beer, drink ten… I don’t care what you have to do to join me on this quest, but get to it and get back to me… this is going to be Eppic (as in to big for one “P”).
The beginning: We are HUNTER GATHERER’S
What is real? A white male was killed by a black police officer today… Did you see the news about it? Um… Probably not. Why? It wasn’t there. But… It happened. And so we can see that what is real is simply what is real to the person who witnesses it. Life is, therefore, in some ways fictional. What you see, what you perceive to be real, may in fact be the very opposite of what someone else may see. Consider, then, that nothing is real, that even our perception of what we know to be real, may in fact not be. Black may be light, light may be dark. Real may be unreal. True, may be untrue. Truth may not exist at all. So, in order to find some sort of history to what “is,” or what/ who “I am,” we have to go back in time. Back to hunters, back to gatherers, and the decision of humankind to stay in one place. Let’s understand at least the sociology/ some of the anthropology of this, let’s discover some of the pathways that led us to where we are now.
Human kind has an innate ability to survive. It is this deep instinct for survival that makes us both human, and animal… A mammal. You think of a whale and say, “We are not whales!” But we are… essentially, just animals roaming a planet foraging and planning our next amazing food conquest. Here’s how it started.
Humankind (Mankind, Western Industrialized humans, mammals of the human species) had simple roots that are deeply ingrained in our psyche, and… when humankind decided to stop traveling, start gathering, start saving… Society as we know it today was born. From a frugal beginning, man suddenly had to create order out of a slightly chaotic society. Who then created this? Let us pre-suppose, for the purposes of this article, that society was born out of the concept of gathering and saving, therefore, the Gatherer’s somehow obtained control. Whether this was through intelligence, societal rankings, or however, we must have a few presuppositions and this is one of them. So, if the Gatherer’s eventually maintained control by whatever means they had, we can then assume that hunters became warriors, warriors became slaves out of malice, punishment, or for whatever reason the gathering command had in mind, and that everyone who wasn’t a hunter, gatherer – eventually a soldier – also became slaves. And, if the purpose of slavery was to create, build, etc. then slavery was in fact useful. Additionally, Gatherer’s had to take charge because grain storage, distribution of said grain, etc. had to be semi-government controlled. If then the gatherers took control of storage out of sheer necessity, then, one can fairly assume that Gatherer’s eventually created the civilization that we now know. We also can safely assume that armies were born out of necessity for control of said harvests and storage, and that being in the military, was – and perhaps still is – a higher form of slavery… That is, “Do what you’re told, don’t ask questions.” Or as President Bill Clinton put it in 1991 – “Don’t ask… Don’t Tell.” Therefore, if we can make these safe assumptions for the purpose of this article, then we can safely move on toward guns… germs, and steel.
In order for humankind to “protect” its food, the storage of said food (always think Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat), and increasing interests that eventually would be termed, “National Interests” and “Foreign Policy,” humankind developed weapons. Weapons were created from steel. Steel was created from technology derived from planting and tending to the needs of crops, that were stored, which eventually needed to be protected, which created the need for the domestication of farm animals such as cows, sheep, etc., which led to the eventual domestication of animal diseases, which led to the eventual immune system adaptation and eventual evolution, which enabled mankind to survive plagues and develop medicine to fight said plagues, create science, explore the world, and eventually led to the current civilization that is humankind as we know it today. Eventually, Humankind began to seek, develop, destroy, refabricate, reinvent, and create more territory, develop better metals, which led to stronger, more powerful, weapons, better technology to enhance said weapons, and the eventual emerging/ creation of current politics, diplomacy, national security strategies, foreign policy, the combination of science, technology, religion, ethics, economics, and politics as we now understand them, and in a way, realize the supposed truth of the necessity for humankind to posses knowledge and use of the aforementioned.
So how did capitalism come into being if humans were only trying to protect food sources and expand their territory for hunting and gathering? There are many theories that hypothesize about the innumerable possibilities of this equation, that is, the evolution of human prosperity and the globally / culturally accepted understanding of economics, however, for the purposes of this article, let us pre-suppose the following:
Capitalism came into being because of human growth, expansion, and knowledge that, led the ruling authorities toward the revolutionary understanding that, without it (capitalism), those in power could not keep their power or pass it on to their kin.
Current Capitalism, to me, does not make sense. The ever-expanding outputs outweigh the potential and the actual inputs. Therefore, as Spock would say, “It is illogical Captain.” To put it another way, Capitalism leaves humankind in constant deficit. This deficit affects humankind in multiple ways –ways in which we are currently experiencing severe hardship as a derivative – I.e., waste, constantly ever-expanding unsustainable infrastructure, war, peace… unity (lack of). These issues result from Capitalism and cannot be adjusted, recalculated, or fixed in any way shape or form. Modern Math, in fact, dictates this equation and the frightening result. Therefore, what Humankind perceives to be real, “Capitalism” is in fact an illusion – for the purposes of this article given the numerous presuppositions I have repeatedly offered. (These suppositions, of course, are logically driven and proven as fact by many notable authorities on the subject, and they have been disproven in the same right, by similarly notable professionals). Regardless, I neither care whether you agree with these presuppositions or not, just that you accept them as what they are: Presuppositions… They are ideas at best. They have been proven and disproven by many. Nonetheless, let us continue with this train of thought for a moment and consider government.
Gatherer’s were the keepers of information. Therefore, again, for the purposes of this article, Gatherer’s were the founders of government as we know it. Often I am asked, “what is the most important election I should vote in?” And the answer I ALWAYS provide is: “He or she who controls water and power controls your destiny… Always vote in your local election.” And here’s why I say that… GRAIN STORANGE and GATHERER’S.
Those evil bastards… Just Kidding… But, “If his grain can get stolen, MY grain can get stolen!!!!” Hence law, hence government, hence kingship, hence democracy.
You see, while all you hunters were out building tools to kill animals, creating steel that helped us Gatherer’s create weapons and plow our fields, we had millennia of understanding about crops… you had years of understanding hunting and warfare. So… we gatherer’s took control. While you slowly became our slaves, we slowly became your masters. And… we dominated you, we used you to tame the land, we forced you create guns, we forced you to adapt to (and manifest) germs, we destroyed and land that we eventually claimed for ourselves, and now… it’s better that you accept the lie, accept what WE tell you is truth, enjoy your false prosperity with your credit cards and futile lies of wealth… WE are in control… WE are the TRUTH. WE are the “Truth that stands the test of experience.” (Einstein)
Or do you feel like accepting that truth?
I Don’t.
I accept the facts of it… but not that it is the truth of it. So… For the purposes of this article, let us hereafter presuppose that I disagree with the aforementioned and feel that Capitalism is an amazing concept, government is a great thing, and that I believe our current world can have a positive outcome for humankind should we work from within to create an alternative.
There is no ONE alternative.
There are several alternatives, but for the purposes of this article we shall name three and dissect each possibility. Option ONE, let’s start completely over. Option TWO, let’s work within the system to change the outcome of our current behavior. Option THREE, Let’s continue on our current path and hope there is a positive outcome.
OPTION 1: Starting over:
Imagine, if you will, that the lights went out right now. That you had 20 maybe thirty minutes of battery power on your extremely smart phone that controls the very moment you are in right now because you just… Got a text. Regardless, you forget about the text, or the fact that you have no battery power on your phone because the lights are out in your classroom. 30 students look at you, you look at them. They look at each other. There is a flash. It is the electromagnetic pulse that is the remnant from a Chinese nuclear arsenal that has now hit Pearl Harbor, Alaska, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Everything gets quiet. You do not know what has happened? You know nothing of the attack nor will you for several months as you discover that it will take months to find other survivors… There is a thunderous clap. Flash of light. Poof of dusty smoke, and moments later, you find yourself one of only a few survivors from an all-out – Mutually Assured Destruction. What do you do now? You’re a natural leader, and thirty people in your room may have survived? What is your next step? The world begins anew…
Thoughts? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Give up? Here’s what I would do…
One, determine who had injuries and who did not. Divide the dead from the survivors… and establish a preliminary morgue so as not to be preoccupied with the dead / injured, nor to be preoccupied with their safety. Two; divide into two groups people who had technology, information, news updates, etc. and the people who knew where things were, like food, clothing, etc. Anyone remaining who had none of these things, I would divide into groups who could assist the aforementioned.
If one were to analyze my actions to this point, the analyzer can very quickly see that what I actually have done was: I just became the ruler. I have already separated people into groups. Groups composed of the helpless, people who can find things (hunters), people who can collect and maintain information (gatherer’s), and the unfortunates who have nothing to offer but help those who can hunt or gather… (slaves). Nevertheless, consciously, or subconsciously based on all of the aforementioned presuppositions, there is a VERY high likelihood that in that moment, should it have existed, that all thirty surviving students would have followed me without question. But then, would we be starting anew? Starting over? Or would history, science, etc., dictate that human beings are predestined to revisit the same truths of our current world as a result of following my actions on this theoretical day, in say 2000 years?
BUT… What if we stated OVER completely. That is, you, me, I, we, Us, Everyone… Did not survive this devastating event? What if the human species was reborn, the world was created anew, and there were hopeful signs for a new human future…
As animals, we would still have instinct I suppose. This new breed of human beings might still have the same human capabilities, heck… we would be human. So, obviously we would be hunting, gathering etc. Let’s start there. HUNTER GATHERER.
THE CITY STATE must be Reimagined from the Beginning:
The first thing Humanity would have to understand is the connectivity and relationship that man, plants, animals, and all living things share. Humans would need to be intelligent enough to realize the symbiotic nature humankind has with all living things. That we are all connected through a collective consciousness that exists for the benefit of Humankind’s salvation.
Imagine a scenario such as this:
You ride on a horse to your neighbor’s house… this may not be a horse, it may be a llama or something that has multiple uses such as food, transportation and water… perhaps a camel… but for now, assume a horse: You need camel hide for some reason and perhaps a bit of milk… Does your neighbor give it to you? And if he/ she does, what will you give him in return? And if you have nothing to offer in return, will he give it to you anyway? Let us assume that, based on all previous suppositions, he does. And you return home with milk, a cow hide, and some meet for dinner. Further, I’d like to pre-suppose from this point forward that this is the case for all transactions of similar nature throughout the duration of at least this section – though I would have it considered for all sections. Let us also presuppose that – from this moment through the duration of this section that this is the common practice. That I need something you have and you provide it out of respect for myself – being your neighbor – and should you need something, I will do the same. Is this BARTERING?
PROOF: The resulting system would then be based on Earth, common respect for the land and the resource(s) it (He/ She/ Mother) provides, and a system may be developed based on the concept that Humankind is connected to Each other (Interconnectivity), the Earth, and the Universe, therefore God.
The world is as She is. And She is in a state of serious downward spiral. Nevertheless, there is hope. Given the said conditions in previous aspects of this article, it can be truly said that “Truth is in the eye of the beholder” (Unknown.) It can also be said that, “Truth stands with the test of experience.” (Einstein.)
Therefore, if the world were to awaken, to accept a new collective consciousness, and accept the follies of previous generations to be true, accepting those truths and rejecting their falsities, could help us understand that Humankind can, in fact, rebuild from within, that we are strong enough, and capable enough to change the world positively, exceptionally, and that we can (and will) do this for the long-term benefit of Humankind. We have to imagine a new future from within. So how can this be this be achieved? How can we correctly change that which is destructive to our culture, society and Humankind as a whole?
CHANGE FROM WITHIN: There is an “I” in US and that is ”U”
I’d like to suggest from this point on that “You” are the key to changing from within and helping Humankind determine what our fate will be. You are the answer… Only you can decide how “we” can change. U must be the “I” voice in the “US” voice that changes what, who, and why we are. YOU are the voice that matters, you are the voice that WILL make a difference… Speak up, shout it out, make your thoughts known… Because… YOU are the future, YOU are the now, and like it or not YOU are the past. In other words, you are the power from within. You are not without. You are it, am, with, us, u, you, me, now, then, the future, the…
…. TBC - Dean
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