Friday, August 26, 2016

My Ethical Code as Written for Professor Dan O'Bryan, Sierra Nevada College

I am a Christian first and foremost.  It is through my Christian views that I can relate to Immanuel Kant and the idea that all beings are created equal.  My belief structure is based on the idea that one must be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, gentle, good, and that one must exercise self control at all times. Kant believes in a similar ethical code based on three things:   The first is, “Never act in such a way that I could not also will that my maxim (decision to act) should be a universal law.”   The second is, “Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, as an end and never as a means only.”  The third is, “the idea of the will of every rational being as making universal law.”

Kant’s first belief is essentially telling us that we should do unto others as we would have done unto us and explains this should be a universally accepted value. He explains this by stating that, “anyone who borrows money should never act without the intent to repay it.” The bible suggests that we do the same, and instructs us to consider this idea to be universal, and that it should apply to all people.

Kant’s second belief suggests that all beings are created equal.  He is telling us that all beings have value. Similarly,  my Christian based beliefs are drawn from the teaching of Jesus in which he told us that the greatest commandment is to love each other.  Kant’s view is expressing that people should not treat each other as an end, meaning do not use, or abuse others.  He is telling us that harming others for the sake of our own interests, should be universally accepted as the moral thing to do.

Kant’s third belief tells us that we are all connected, therefore, universally accepted moral codes should be based on the idea that the collective consciousness will decide the moral and good thing to do.  He is telling us that universal norms, or a collectively determined future will automatically be created and accepted by all people because collectively people should automatically be treated with mutual respect.  Similarly, the bible tells us through the ten commandments that we should universally appreciate and love one another while universally accepting that these rules should apply all people.

Ultimately, although I am a Christian and can relate to Kant’s theory, I have a moral code that runs deep and has many years of development. I also believe that Kant has an argument that most closely conveys the core of what I could write a book about from my own life experience.  The essence stems through these ideas and most closely relate to my belief that all beings are created equal, therefore collectively we can and should take care of each other, animals, plants, our oceans, etc. The key for me however, is love.  That if we love each other, we naturally will not hurt, destroy or intentionally persecute, or hurt others.


Sexual morality:  I have always treated my lovers as equals. I believe that adultery is absolutely unacceptable, and that one should be treated with loving kindness. Although I have had many lovers, two wives, and girlfriends all over the world, I do not abuse the privilege of being with them.  I have great admiration and respect for them, and I have never cheated, never mistreated them, and I never would.

Abortion:  I believe that abortions should not be made illegal, rather, we should provide as much care for those who need them, and that each  case should be left to the individuals who are seeking them out.  Every situation is different and , ultimately, it is neither for me nor the courts to decide who should have them.
Euthanasia:  Again, each case is different. I have seen people suffer from terminal illnesses and it is neither for me or the courts to decide.

Human cloning: I believe in human cloning for medical purposes. Not whole humans, but body parts as it can improve and save lives.

Capital punishment: serious crimes need serious punishment. I do not believe in public executions, but I do believe that the collective has decided that capital punishment must exist and  humans have created laws that are appriate for each region, therefore, I would enforce the law were it up to me to decide.

War, terror, civil liberties: I believe that the only way to end war, is to end it.  I am a proponent of keeping the peace by any means necessary.  Terror is all about fear, but I don’t believe in the violation of civil liberties to eradicate terror groups because it is simply fighting violence with violence.  That said, I would very quickly use military force to end a war, and I would use as every tool at my disposal to ensure the end of a war was quick, and as peaceful as possible.

Globalization: My hypothetical country would look a lot like America, but I do believe in a global future, and a one world economy.  I also encourage collectively decided international laws governed by a unified body.

Discrimination:  whether by bullying, intimidation, or whichever means, I do not believe in the oppression of anyone. Those who do oppress others, should suffer fierce and harsh consequences.

Animal rights:  I believe that all beings are created equal.

Environmental ethics: we must be stewards of the globe, and treat our world as a living breathing thing. 

Computer ethics: we must use our technology for the advancement and betterment of all beings, never as a means to achieve selfish gain.

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