Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Critical issues relating to Russia and global security

Critical Aspects of Russia and it's Global Implications:

Russia has a continuing and ongoing relationship with China, Cuba, and other communist nations that began with friendly relations due to the cold war.  The end of the cold war brought about several changes to Russian foreign policy that clearly express  a lingering ideology (that has been recently been verbalized by Russian President Vladimir Putin and has been labeled the Putin Doctrine) in which the following main point has been expressed:  It is the desire of Russia, the people of Russia, and President Putin, to rebuild Russia as a major global power, to increase its global influence, and to protect its citizens abroad.  This hegemony is being expressed currently through the use  of power I  Syria  (an effort to destroy the Islamic State (ISIS / ISIL )), across the globe through its nuclear threat/ deterrent power, and through the use of clandestine services / intelligence gathering tools. Although the US and Russia have committed to reducing nuclear arsenals from 10,000 warheads (1980's) to 1,500 in 2010 and hope to decrease numbers even further (through START, SORT, and New START), nuclear proliferation is still a primary concern throughout the globe.   Further, after the 2015 bombings in Paris, and the downing of a Russian warplane, Russia's primary objective has changed itself into the complete destruction of ISIS/ISIL. This fact is pushing countries who don't usually get along (US, China, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia,  etc.) to work together to defeat ISIS/IS IL using collaboration,  shared resources, and other essential tools to eliminate the threat of ISIS/IS IL across the  globe.

International tools being used to address Russia, and Russian global objectives:

To address the aforementioned issues, the international community has formed a variety of tools that help keep our world safe and peaceful. To combat nuclear proliferation issues, the international community has established the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which is designed to regulate and inspect atomic energy in all forms (peaceful,  power, and weapon grade). Additionally,  the United Nations (UN), the United Nations Security Council  (UNSC), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are effective forums for the discussion of treaties such as SORT, START, and New START.  The UNSC  is also a perfect forum for collaboration with other nations, and to create a unified force that is designed to combat ISIS/ISIL.

Additional steps the International community can take to deal with Russia:

Russia is a complex issue that crosses boundaries that have not yet been approached in history.  While the international community and Russia Agee that ISIS/ISIL must be destroyed, the methods in which the community comes together to rid the planet of ISIS/ISIL is contentious to say the least. Further, Russia's nuclear arsenal is cause for concern due to potential theft, sale, or other forms of proliferation of and/ or the frightening potential for nuclear materials to fall into the hands of terrorists. Therefore, it is the recommendation of this humble reporter that the international community should continue to reach for diplomatic solutions through the use of the United Nations, specifically the UNSC, to continue maintaining efforts in nuclear non proliferation teaties, and continue to work with any and all available resources to eliminate ISIS/ISIL, and to promote world peace, as well as to strive for a safer global community. Further, it is my belief that through a global coalition of cooperating nation states, that agreement can be achieved to create a global community against terror. Working with Russia, not against it, is the best option of or a safe, sustainable future.


In class notes, Prf. Keith Hansen ; Sierra Nevada College
Russia and the Near and Abroa, Shevel Oxana
US National Security, Sarkesion pp. 81 & 85
The Putin Doctrine, Jackson

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