Friday, September 9, 2016

North Korea and the recent nuclear test

North Korea set to use nuclear weapons at any time.

Issue Description:

"North Korea said [on Tuesday, September 22nd 2015] that it is Ready to use its nuclear weapons against the US at any time and that it's main nuclear facility was fully operational, allowing the country to improve both the quality and quantity of its nuclear weapons."  Although this statement followed preparations for the 70th anniversary of the Workers Party, Kim Jong Un seems to have his sights set on threatening the US due to what Un feels are unfair sanctions.  Further, on Thursday, September 8th,  2015, South Korean officials reported both a 5.3 earthquake in the area used by North Korea to test its nuclear weapons, and confirmed officially that North Korea had in fact successfully tested a nuclear weapon.

Critical Information:

This type of rhetoric and behavior is typical for the Kim regime, and experts believe that, "it's sending a message to the US that it's nuclear threat will only get worse if the country continues to be treated with sanctions and pressure rather than negotiations."  What makes this particular threat, and test unusual is that the 2015 threat was coupled with a pledge that North Korea will use missile technology that is banned by the UN Security Council.  Additionally,  North Korea's Atomic Energy Institute  issued a statement that the Kim regime has been improving, "the quality and quantity of its nuclear weapons," and has reopened Yongbyon nuclear facility.


Kim Jong Un,  and his regime have made it very  clear that economic sanctions and pressure from the Global Community  are not working, thusly proving that sanctions rarely work in cases where nuclear weapons are involved.  This is largely due to the fact that nuclear proliferation gives nations a large bargaining chip.  In fact, of the 18 nations that have been sanctioned for speaking out nuclear technology through 2007, only six have had successful outcomes.


North Korea continues to be a nuclear threat to the United States.  This is mostly due to strength and power of a nuclear weapon.  Similar to a game of chess, the US must wary of Kim Jong Un's threats as well as continue to monitor North Korea's  nuclear activities. Further pressure must be applied, and although sanctions are having little effect, the must continue to be enforced.

Sources: via daily situation report 9/22/15
Bee, Ronald J. - Sanctions and Nonproliferation

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